Windows System Command Programs
Type the following commands in your Run dialogue box (Windows Key + R) to run specific programs.
Must be entered EXACTLY as shown in bold print on left. e.g. to open word you must enter "winword" not "word"
calc Calculator
mspaint Microsoft Paint
wmplayer Windows Media Player
control Opens the Control Panel
control printers Opens the printers dialogue box
devmgmt.msc Device Manager
compmgmt.msc Computer Management
msinfo32 System Information
iexplore Internet Explorer
cleanmgr Disk Cleanup
ntbackup Backup or restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
excel Microsoft Excel (if installed)
msaccess Microsoft Access (if installed)
powerpnt Microsoft PowerPoint (if installed)
winword Microsoft Word (if installed)
frontpg Microsoft FrontPage (if installed)
notepad Notepad
wordpad WordPad
msmsgs Windows Messenger
----- Careful: Know what you are doing to use these ------
rstrui System restore
cmd Command Prompt
mmc Microsoft Management Console
dhcpmgmt.msc DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc DNS Management
services.msc Services
eventvwr Event Viewer
dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc Active Directory Sites and Services
Type the following commands in your Run dialogue box (Windows Key + R) to run specific programs.
Must be entered EXACTLY as shown in bold print on left. e.g. to open word you must enter "winword" not "word"
calc Calculator
mspaint Microsoft Paint
wmplayer Windows Media Player
control Opens the Control Panel
control printers Opens the printers dialogue box
devmgmt.msc Device Manager
compmgmt.msc Computer Management
msinfo32 System Information
iexplore Internet Explorer
cleanmgr Disk Cleanup
ntbackup Backup or restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
excel Microsoft Excel (if installed)
msaccess Microsoft Access (if installed)
powerpnt Microsoft PowerPoint (if installed)
winword Microsoft Word (if installed)
frontpg Microsoft FrontPage (if installed)
notepad Notepad
wordpad WordPad
msmsgs Windows Messenger
----- Careful: Know what you are doing to use these ------
rstrui System restore
cmd Command Prompt
mmc Microsoft Management Console
dhcpmgmt.msc DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc DNS Management
services.msc Services
eventvwr Event Viewer
dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc Active Directory Sites and Services