How to clear memory (IPhone You Tube
- When "Slide to Power Off" is present, press and hold home button, until home screen returns
- Check by activating a history screen. If it pauses, white screen, "loading" - means you successfully cleared your RAM.
Top Ten Used Apps for Guru Zollo
- Waze - map directions
- FlipBoard - News
- Day One - Diary/ Journal
- Memories - Random Nostalgia
- OverCast - Podcast
- MoneyWiz - Financial
- Snapseek - Photos
- Ticket to Ride - Game
- Myfitnesspal - Diet and Calorie Tracker
- Soundcloud - Free Music
How to save battery life (1) (IPhone YouTube)
- Reduce Motion and Transparency
- Shut off auto download in iTune and AppStore
- Clear Cache in Safari (clear history and data)
- Reduce Excess Photos
- Shut Off Phone to Refresh
How to save battery life (2) (IPhone YouTube)