New Website Info: PW: LODcc2024
Tire Experience
- I used Amazon
- Amazon shows installers - price and location; you pick
- (Mavis Brake - Boca; $16 per tire; includes install, balance, and disposal)
- Amazon delivers to the installer that you chose
- Amazon app allows you to choose appointment times
New Apps to Explore
- DuckDuckGo - browser
- Capital One Shopping
Topic Review
- "When away" techno aids
- Smart Thermostat / surveillance camera / water detector / water control valve / water alarm
- - parking / car app
- - Lakes of Delray data Why some sell over at $220k + and some sell below $200k
- Il Silenzio with Venema
- New Management company ??? Phoenix Any experience data from club members???
- HOA website - ex: Unit owner rights - 718 election rights (request summary from Chuck)