LOD Computer Club
Mtg 250203 SMS to PC
Mtg 250120
Mtg 240304
Mtg 240219
Firestick Links
Mtg 230320
Mtg 230116
Mtg 221219
Mtg 221017
Mtg 221107
Mtg 220321
Mtg 220307
Mtg 211220
Mtg 211206
Mtg 211108
Mtg 200217
Mtg 200106
Mtg 191202
Mtg 191104
Mtg 190415
Mtg 190401
Photos Google
Mtg 190318 Apple mostly
Mtg 190304
Mtg 190218
Mtg 190204
Mtg 190121
Mtg 181203 PC
Mtg 11/19/18 Apple/iOS
Mtg 181105 Overview
Mtg 181105 25 Gadgets
Mtg 181105 EXCEL -- 10 Tips
Mtg 180305
Mtg 180205p1 PC/Android
Mtg 180205p2 PC/Android
Mtg 180115 Apple
Mtg 180108
Mtg 171218 Iphone
Mtg 171204 Email/Word/Excel
Mtg 171204 Win Shortcuts
Mtg 171120 IPhones
Mtg 171120 Alexa
Mtg 240205
Mtg 240115
Mtg 231106
Mtg 231204
Mtg 230417
Member List
Member Info
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Mort's August 2014
Mort's May 2014
Mort's April 2014
Mort's March 2014
Mort's Feb 2014
Mort's 2014 Jan
Publix March 31, 2014
Meeting Recap
Chuck Oct 13 - Downloads Caution
2014 January 13 Mort Win8-1
2014 January 20 CWK
2013 November 25 CWK
2013 March 4 CWK
2013 Feb 4 CWK
2012 Sept 10 Mort Smith Presentation
2012 July 16 Mort Smith Presentation
2012 April 22 Mort Smith Presentation
Other Computer Clubs
Boca Raton Computer Society
Fla Assoc of Computer User Groups
Technical Links
Social Links
Buying Links
Senior Discounts
2014 April 28 - Chuck
Pot Pourri
Chuck's List
Mtg 171120 Word / EXCEL
Mtg171204 Google Assistant
Mtg 180318 Apple mostly
MTG 190401 Apple
Mtg 230220
Mtg 230306
New Page
Meeting November 5, 2018
25 Cool Gadgets under $60 (for Xmas)
VHS Capture ($24.95)
Dell Computer 500GB, 4GB Ram, AMD A9, 2 in 1 (Laptop and Tablet)
Comcast Update -
EXCEL -- 10 Tips
Q&A and Member Input